‘Megawatt’ Exhibit

How do you explain complex energy concepts to a horde of hyper middle schoolers?

Graphics & Illustrations, Work in Progress! Client TBA when the exhibit opens

AEDAN Workshop

Starting in 2018, I worked with Wes Aycock, James Clark, and the rest of the AEDAN design-build crew to create finely crafted landscapes and structures. As of May 2024, I’m moving on to other adventures, and supporting AEDAN on an as-needed basis.

I served as Lead Designer on the following projects, coordinating the design processes and executing most of the design work from Pre-Design through Construction Documents and Construction Admin. Thanks to the owners and build crew for making the magic happen!

Lead Designer: Steven Valenziano
Art Direction & Oversight: Wes Aycock and James Clark (owners of AEDAN Workshop)
Build crew: Scott Dempsey, Jeff Silvius, Carl McCracken, Joe Burns, Tazdyn Sargent
Consultants: Andy Terrell of Lysaght and Associates, Alan Parker of Goliath Tech, Chris Wolfe of Bryant Durham

Passivhaus Tinyhouse (WIP)

2 inches of exterior polyiso insulation, continuous air and water barrier, standing seam roofing, cedar T&G + 26ga steel siding, and about 3,876 lessons learned 😅

Bike Durham Zine

Illustration, words, and design by SV, as part of a larger publication to be released in 2023. Art direction, editing, font selection by Bike Durham (Carmen Kuan & Justin Laidlaw).

Mural: Bay Area Discovery Museum

A whole-building environmental mural that aims to immerse visitors in the wonder of nature while integrating tightly with the hands-on museum exhibits…


  • Mural design and install by Steven Valenziano 👋
  • Huge thank you to Marlene Chen and Alan Maskin of Olson Kundig for the opportunity to contribute, and to Elizabeth Friedrich of BADM and Alex Meyer for coordinating the install!
  • Exhibit design by Olson Kundig
  • Project management by Alex Meyer of Meyer Technical
  • Exhibit Production and Install by Pacific Studios
  • Morgan Womble-Dahl for his implementation ideas.
  • Final thanks to Mark Sabatino & Gizmo Art Production for commissioning the little mural that inspire this big one!

Gizmo Mural

Approximately 8×12 feet size, this mural depicts a few of the sculptures that Gizmo Art Production has built and installed in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Other fun stuff scattered throughout: a playful jab at the CEO’s music habit, Janis Joplin’s house, Miss Doubtfire’s house, 3 bikes, moustaches, a very prominent paintbrush, and grafitti by Barry McGee.

Medium: India Ink

E. Coli Muller Plot

I helped scientist Rohan Maddamsetti create a Muller Plot and supporting diagrams for his paper on E. coli evolution.  Rohan provided the raw data and we worked together to merge it together into the final diagram using Adobe Illustrator.

The paper was awarded the “1st Centennial Award For Population And Evolutionary Genetics.” More info from the Genetics Society of America.

The full scientific article: Adaptation, Clonal Interference, and Frequency-Dependent Interactions in a Long-Term Evolution Experiment with Escherichia coli

Science & Main



Take a stack of exhibit ideas dreamt up by the Education staff, and turn them into an exhibit in one year, on a tight budget.  The exhibit must be movable so that the exhibit hall can be used for large rental events.


Science & Main is one of the most popular exhibits at the Museum, and was achieved at a fraction of the cost of most other exhibits in the museum.  See the captioned photos below for details and process photos…

The Explora-inspired marble wall is adapted for MSC's needs: large plastic balls instead of marbles, and more durable components.
Marble 1
A photo of the marble wall shortly after opening. I added rubber edge-protectors and replaced the wooden pegs with plastic.
Test title 1
The bicycle gearing activity allowing visitors to compare the differences in gear ratios.
Instructions for the paper airplane launcher
We prototyped and tested the paper airplane launcher to determine the best layout for the paper airplane activity.
A view of the airport control tower with launchers in the background
The 'Food fight' catapult. The device is quite precise: if you determine the correct variable to hit a given target, you will hit it reliably with those variables.
Some visitor creations
More visitor creations
Bike Shop
A view of the bike gearing activity and the bike shop facade.
Look and Feel Rendering vC WEB
Initial concept rendering
Overview Rendering v2 WEB copy
Revised concept rendering, after construction methods and components were refined, Science & Main.
Music Ideation - Construction Details copy
Styling detail, which informed the construction methods.
Final Logos
Logos, desiged by intern Qian Zeng
ScienceAndMainProcess (2)
Setting up the facades with the help of a budget-friendly gantry crane. The yellow scaffolding was later used as part of the backdrop of the construction site.
ScienceAndMain (3)
Oops, sorry George...
ScienceAndMain (2)
Guts of the paper airplane launcher
The marble wall pieces were built using this setup. A pin-router attachment was used for the curved pieces.
ScienceAndMainProcess (4)
Cole demonstrating some of the high-tech tools we used
ScienceAndMain_Fab (3)
It turns out handwheels with revolving handles are not MSC-kid-proof, so we added keyways to fixed-handle handwheels. In this photo: enlarging the bore with a boring bar.
ScienceAndMain_Fab (1)
Adding a keyway with the lathe, since we did not have an arbor press.
ScienceAndMain_Fab (2)
We initially used an off-the-shelf pulley as the drive wheel in the paper airplane launcher, but it was quickly shredded. In this photo, machining a new wheel, which held up well.


View these projects in more detail:

Drop Tower
Pipe Organ


I managed the project and completed the much of the labor, from design to install and documentation.  I worked closely with the Education, Facilities, and Marketing departments to get the project done.  I also recruited, trained, and organized volunteers from the community, and interns from MICA.

Other Contributors


Cole Pritchard
Cait May
Qian Zeng
Kelsey Hunter
Sofia Maranto


Karl Palm
David M Storey Inc Pipe Organ Builders
George Moran, Explora
CK Wong, Hong Kong Science Center
Franklin Institute Exhibit Team


Karl Palm
Kevin Johnson
Mark LoPresto
Terry Nixon
Tom Riley


Maryland Science Center, Baltimore MD



Drop Tower

The Drop Tower enables visitors to repeatably drop a racquetball 20 feet onto an angled surface. The angle and material of the surface can be changed, enabling users to experiment with the 2 variables and discover how they affect the trajectory and bounce height of the ball. The targets provide a goal for visitors to aim for, though many simply experiment on their own.


We built and tested several prototypes to determine whether or not our plans were visitor-friendly, the reliability of the ‘dropper’ mechanism, and the feasibility of the chain conveyor.  See images below for more details…


  • Reliability was a serious concern since some of the working parts are 20 feet in the air, and difficult to access.
  • The height of the design was difficult since the museum lacks an appropriate lift or convenient ceiling lift points.  The shop ceiling is not much over 8 feet, and the freight elevator is very small, so the components were built in sub-assemblies, test-fit and finished in the shop, and fully assembled on the exhibit floor

Design Details

  • Gear reduction and a rotary damper prevents visitors from spinning the Prism in an uncontrolled fashion
  • Controls for steps 1,2, and 3 (Load, Adjust, Drop) are arranged in sequential order for intuitive operation
  • An angle indicator makes the experiment replicable

dt2 WEB
Detail of bounce-height scale
dt5 WEB
Detail of prism rotation indicator
dt3 WEB 2
Detail of top module and electrical boxes
Shot Tower Gallery 1
Detail of user controls
DropTowerTesting (2)
Our first prototype was designed to test some of the mechanical elements, and see how visitors would interact with the component. We found that having 3 different ball types was too much for most visitors, so we eliminated the wiffel ball and golf ball, and kept the racquetball.
DropTowerTesting (4)
Testing to determine the trajectory of dropped balls
DropTowerTesting (1)
2nd prototype to determine reliability of top module mechanism. The testing revealed some reliability issues that we were able to solve before the Drop Tower was installed.
DropTowerTesting (3)
Testing the 2nd prototype at full height to determine how the chain would act. Thankfully, we found no problems!
I completed the final Overall design in Rhino at the same time Cole was completing the Top Module design in Solidworks. I then combined our designs and completed final construction drawings in Solidworks.
H-Drop (3)
Fabrication in the shop
H-Drop (4)
We had to set up during off-hours, since the museum was open 7 days a week
H-Drop (1)
Karl helping with final electrical hookups before final assembly

Construction Drawings

Below are examples of construction drawings I created with Solidworks.  They were given to a commercial welding company, who fabricated and delivered the pieces.


SV: project management, design, fabrication, graphics, electrical, install, break-in, documentation
Cole: ball-dropper mechanism, top-module design, fabrication

Other Contributors

Karl Palm: volunteer advisor for electrical and mechanical engineering
Cole Pritchard: museum employee
Nilam Sari: museum intern
Jacob Nemec: museum intern
Paul Stankiewicz: volunteer


Maryland Science Center, Baltimore MD



Pipe Organ


Build a kid-proof pipe organ with exposed inner workings.  As far as I know, this is the only pipe organ in the world that is available for public use.

Design Details

  • Kid-proof keyboard with 1-piece plastic keys
  • ‘Drop the bass’ button for the big zinc pipe
  • All mechanisms visible


Detail of the pipes, donated by David Storey
The moving valves are visible from the player's perspective as she presses the keys
Detail of regulator, blower, and electronics
Detail of kid-proof keyboard
Pipe organ v03.01 - 30 note_CS4
Illustrator rendering of the design, before I handed design and fabrication responsibilities to Cole.


Special thanks to David M Storey Inc Pipe Organ Builders for donating parts and providing invaluable advice.

SV: management, technical research, initial designs, electrical
Cole Pritchard: final design, fabrication, tuning, general wizardry


Maryland Science Center, Baltimore MD
